Thursday, July 12, 2012

[Life][Recipe] Pumpkin Pumpkin

Employed and unemployed in this few days.

Seems good at least I can sit in my warm chair and write a post without considering customers coming in.
I even have time for my new try and error recipe. 
Since pumpkin is very nutritious, most importantly pumpkin  very low calories .
Kudo!!! I decided to make a dishes using this vegetable.

Today's special:  Pumpkin Spaghetti 
reference: Pumpkin Spaghetti -- MASA
(Still, it is a chinese recipe)
I do not take any pictures in the process cos I am busy struggling in my kitchen without my mom's help. 

Lesson 1: Preparation always is the painful process in cooking.

outcome: too much water.

Lesson Learnt: Never put too much water in cooking spaghetti.
Gonna experiment again after next few days. 
arrr.... maybe next week.

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