Sunday, February 26, 2012

[旅游] 从新加坡到台湾的时间

怎么知道……  (( 词穷~ ~

因为是临时决定,就连红蜻蜓 (AirAsia )的飞机票也贵得要命
所以才坐8 个小时的巴士到新加坡, 
搭乘 老虎老兄(Tiger Airways), Bajet Airlines 到台湾。
(来回机票 (2月尾)RM800 ++ )

虽然 身为老小的我 一分钱也不必出 XDD

搭了8小时的巴士,来到Changi 机场 Terminal 1难免还是有点小兴奋~
在等我哥忙完, 我先到处溜达~


所以必须坐机场巴士到Terminal 4

cue 坐飞机咯~


短时间的话,还OK……反正也没想到要睡觉 XD

虽然已经做好心理准备,还是会拿着Menu ,瞪大眼睛

害人家眼睁睁看别人吃,要hold住 >'''<



到了台湾,已经是晚上 8 点多了,
马上坐上 国光客运(台湾的bus 都叫客运,粉不习惯 =P
到达台北终站, 再搭台铁到西门町~
到西门町时,所有的店面都打烊了~ 失算~


靠近万楼大厦, 成为我们第一晚的宵夜~

很好吃!! (我在家很少会吃到这类食物 ^^


关灯睡觉~ <3


偶然从我喜欢的部落哥转 ---- 豬V

    高考滿分作文:誠信漂流記 話說誠信被那個「聰明」的年輕人投棄到水裡以後,他拼命地游著,最後來到了一個小島上。誠信就躺在沙灘上休息,心裡計劃著等待哪位路過的朋友允許他搭船,救他一命。

  過了一會兒,地位又來了,誠信忙喊到:「地位地位,我是誠信,我想搭你的船回家可以嗎?」地位忙把船划遠了,回頭對誠信說:「不行不行,誠信可不能搭我的船,我的地位來之不易啊! 有了你這個誠信我豈不倒霉,並且連地位也難以保住啊 ! 」誠信很失望地看著地位的背影,眼裡充滿了不解和疑惑,他又接著等。 隨著一片有節奏的卻不和諧的聲音傳來,競爭們乘著小船來了,誠信喊道:「競爭競爭! 我能不能搭你的小船一程?」競爭們問道:「你是誰,你能給我們多少好處?」誠信不想說,怕說了又沒人理,但誠信畢竟是誠信他說:「我是誠信...」你是誠信啊,你這不存心給我們添麻煩嗎?如今競爭這麼激烈,我們不正當競爭怎麼敢要你誠信?言罷,競爭揚長而去。 正當誠信感到近乎絕望的時候,一個慈祥的聲音從遠處傳來:「孩子,上船吧 !」一個白髮蒼蒼的老者在船上掌著舵道:「我是時間老人。」誠信:「那您為什麼要救我呢?」老人微笑著說:「只有時間才知道誠信有多麼重要啊!」


[旅游] 台湾 GOGOGO!

好吧,这篇文章的title 有点俗啦 XDD
( ( 好像吴宗宪会说出来的


ps* 我使用拼音输入法

这次我与家人是自助旅行,也是小女生平第一次自助, 害得我手忙脚乱。
网上有很多到台湾自助旅行的,好像背包客栈, 都拥有很多资讯~
因为这次旅行不在我的规划中,所以没有很完善, 但还不赖 ^^


Day 1:  桃园机场 (晚上7-8 点抵达)---台北---西门町
Day 2:  (台北---台中)---日月潭--- 九族文化村
Day 3:  浦里---清境农场
Day 4:  (浦里---台中)--- 台北 --- 西门町
Day 5:  (台北---花莲)花莲
Day 6:  台北
Day 7:  桃园机场

我只是懒得打出来,下一篇会在仔细说~ ^^

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

First lecture(s)

First time of lectures,
all of the lecturers wanna knock some senses into ur brain, 
whether u like it or not.

Admit the reality OR you will end up facing the same faces in your next semester (damn NO)
Suffer now OR cry later
Listen now OR Listen once more in the coming semester ((DAMN BIG NO !!!

Basically, almost the  threats contents are the same. 
First hour start threatening  briefing, second hour start lecturing. And you probably forget the first hour.  How I wishes the lecture hours can be separated into different sessions like first sem gotta make sure I open my eyes lids all the time.

Why am I yawning now? ><
It seems so boring these days...

Just cant wait days that get busy, so I can reminisce days like this...
Need to get myself occupied with some useful stuff. 

Sometimes, I think I am the kind of people who do not deserve holiday as too much time spoiled me. I think it is time for me to discipline myself (( which ought to happen long ago.))
Many things got into my head recently. Definitely need times to settle it out. haiz...

Positive ion which all I need to get my day start.  

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Holiday start n end~ ^^

Flower start to bloom, too bad Malaysia cant feel it vividly. 

Holiday start and end in the same post~
Actually when I blogging, I already back into track.
Spending too much holiday, makes Jack lazy XD

Okie, my holiday is like
CNY + Taiwan trip+ Movie Marathon = Holiday

Plan that not in the plan
Flying off to taiwan seems an Bomb drop for me 
Definitely not something I plan to do in my holiday, still travelling is on my list as always.

First time view a real Sakura (( Even I not in JAPAN ~
First time travelling based on map and brochures 
First time get paid for travelling (( I am so Lucky~ *** sobs**
First time nagged by brother for so many time ((( painful experience... shhh~
First time walking into 7-11 store can be so interesting  (( plenty of food !!!!
First time I freeze until there was vapour coming out from my mouth
First time try MUSHroom flavour ice-cream (( not bad~

Definitely I have a marvellous time spending in Taiwan.    
Gonna update more details soon. =)

Here the truth is I  wanna to stop blogging now...
((What a lazy bum I am... > <
waiting for my luggage to be brought from the storeroom. 

and hunt for food ~ **wink wink