Saturday, March 2, 2013

{LIFE] I dreamed ....

People say if you have a dream last night, mean that you are not in ur comfortable sleep yesterday. 
In fact, only tired (?) people dreamed. 

Not sure, about that one. And, I dreamed a lot these days. 
Pull together the pieces... and I realise most of my thoughts became my dreams at night. 

These days, I have been distracted or pondering much whether or not to save money to buy a laptop/ tablet. 
But, My "NEW" laptop hanged on me so often I began to realise this laptop is even worse than my 10 inches laptop. Both hanged on me so often, I forced to be learn patient. This "NEW" laptop was used by my brother, father, and me ( 2-months-old mistress), and HE is very very shy as HE often freeze my screen. A few minutes later, blue screen popped up and forced me to look at those long, dull lines and reset my laptop.
However, on the good site, HE reset pretty fast except I need to keep track which files or windows have I done/ opened. 

Back to the topic, I dreamed of having a tablet although I have been longing for one, Of course, it is a slim chance I am getting one. If my laptop is dead, I am definitely need to have my laptop rather then a tablet. Although the idea of reading notes and bringing tablet seems a very intriguing idea for me. Still, laptop come first. Tablet, second. (Hopefully)

Weirdly, In that dream or the next night, I dreamed of Chang-min (TVQX) handling me a tablet or bringing me some nice places which I have forget right after I wake up. The only explanation is I came across the article that Victoria is dating or going out v him in an article that discovered by netizens through a spoon reflection. Yup, S.P.O.O.N reflection. Amazing.

Okie, I admitted I only can remember 2 dreams at the moment. I think that's all for now.
I hope my dream came true one day. A young lady can dream for now.



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