Monday, April 13, 2009

Working - Beware of Clothing

Yup... i am working on Monday again. Although my paid for the job is low, i have to came to the shop to help because the only 1 worker is off on Monday. Still early. No shopper could be seen. Counting fingers, very boring. I dislike working at dad's shop because i didnt feel a sense of belonging there. I didnt do much help either, just sitting around looking my japanese book for hours without flipping it really did make my eyelid fall. 

Ding Dong*One of the fishes swam in. 

Me: "Yes? (Not sure, he is chinese or malay...)"

Customer: " Tei ha sin. " ( Let me looked around first.)

Me: " ok." Oh, a dark-skinned chinese...

When the customers asked something i didnt understand, I will send some help signals to Miss Lim ( sales manager ). Then, came to the rescue. I freed. CD? DVD? PENDRIVE? HEADSET? no problem.^^ WIRELESS ROUTER + MODEM? HARDDISK? ADAPTER?  uuhhhh... "Ms. Lim, the customer wants.... bla bla bla..." Help signal is sent. Rescue mission repeated several times a day. Hahaha... I really didnt understand what IDE Port, what SATA port, how many pin and so and so far. I tried my best to improve my knowledge by standing behind listening what was them talking about everytime.

I also notice one thing about male customers especially youngsters or guy around 20s. Some of them tend to wear low- low baggy trousers which happened to be an eyesore for me who had to stand behind you guys to see what u need. Most of the time i saw other thing. Yup, ur panty. Ur outdated-got-mould grayly underwear. Yucks. Still looking at it and wondering how guys can bear to wear it. Mostly is dull gray. I still remembered i saw one of the customers wearing red-kotak-kotak underwear. At that moment, i thought i was misktaken. My eyes following other ppl's buttocks. Haha...very bian tai? of course not la... i wouldnt let other ppl realised my eyesight burned a hole in his trousers. Simply curious (Scientist's personality). It was REALLY an underwear. Different from his clothes. I wishes their friends or his GF would tell him because they were also walking behind him which happened to be very obvious.You did not really like the salesgirl to tell u: " Abang, panty abang sudah terkeluar." Or " Ah Sia(Sir), nie ke ti fu chu co le." (Same with the malay verison. I not going to repeat myself here.) Understand what i mean?  #^^#  shy* no offensive.

Getting bored when there was not a single customer soul to be found. Starving also. Drank a lot of water to make my stomach full, waiting my father's stomach would be growl soon. Luckily, he got starving and went out to buy lunch for us (me + ms lim).Free of charge. This is the only privilege for working for dad.Waiting the arrival of my lunch, playing caveman in front of the computer. Lazy to dig the Sims 2 DVD out to install it. 

Nothing to do. Waiting for 9.30pm.






very sleepy...


HeazrtYin said...

Jessy is biantai... @_@ No good. Have to warn people to wear long shirts before going into your shop.. haha.... *kidding* Have a nice day!!

J.C said...

Wat la... boring ma, eh... haha, guess ppl will do silly things when they reached a certain high level of boredom..haha^^